18 research outputs found

    Stochastic maximum principle for optimal control of a class of nonlinear SPDEs with dissipative drift

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    We prove a version of the stochastic maximum principle, in the sense of Pontryagin, for the finite horizon optimal control of a stochastic partial differential equation driven by an infinite dimensional additive noise. In particular we treat the case in which the non-linear term is of Nemytskii type, dissipative and with polynomial growth. The performance functional to be optimized is fairly general and may depend on point evaluation of the controlled equation. The results can be applied to a large class of non-linear parabolic equations such as reaction-diffusion equations

    Necessary stochastic maximum principle for dissipative systems on infinite time horizon

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    We develop a necessary stochastic maximum principle for a finite-dimensional stochastic control problem in infinite horizon under a polynomial growth and joint monotonicity assumption on the coefficients. The second assumption generalizes the usual one in the sense that it is formulated as a joint condition for the drift and the diffusion term. The main difficulties concern the construction of the first and second order adjoint processes by solving backward equations on an unbounded time interval. The first adjoint process is characterized as a solution to a backward SDE, which is well-posed thanks to a duality argument. The second one can be defined via another duality relation written in terms of the Hamiltonian of the system and linearized state equation. Some known models verifying the joint monotonicity assumption are discussed as well

    Stochastic maximum principle for SPDEs with delay.

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    In this paper we develop necessary conditions for optimality, in the form of the Pontryagin maximum principle, for the optimal control problem of a class of infinite dimensional evolution equations with delay in the state. In the cost functional we allow the final cost to depend on the history of the state. To treat such kind of cost functionals we introduce a new form of anticipated backward stochastic differential equations which plays the role of dual equation associated to the control problem

    A variational approach to the mean field planning problem

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    We investigate a first-order mean field planning problem of the form \begin{equation} \left\lbrace\begin{aligned} -\partial_t u + H(x,Du) &= f(x,m) &&\text{in } (0,T)\times \mathbb{R}^d, \\ \partial_t m - \nabla\cdot (m\,H_p(x,Du)) &= 0 &&\text{in }(0,T)\times \mathbb{R}^d,\\ m(0,\cdot) = m_0, \; m(T,\cdot) &= m_T &&\text{in } \mathbb{R}^d, \end{aligned}\right. \end{equation} associated to a convex Hamiltonian HH with quadratic growth and a monotone interaction term ff with polynomial growth. We exploit the variational structure of the system, which encodes the first order optimality condition of a convex dynamic optimal entropy-transport problem with respect to the unknown density mm and of its dual, involving the maximization of an integral functional among all the subsolutions uu of an Hamilton-Jacobi equation. Combining ideas from optimal transport, convex analysis and renormalized solutions to the continuity equation, we will prove existence and (at least partial) uniqueness of a weak solution (m,u)(m,u). A crucial step of our approach relies on a careful analysis of distributional subsolutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations of the form −∂tu+H(x,Du)≤α-\partial_t u + H(x,Du) \leq \alpha, under minimal summability conditions on α\alpha, and to a measure-theoretic description of the optimality via a suitable contact-defect measure. Finally, using the superposition principle, we are able to describe the solution to the system by means of a measure on the path space encoding the local behavior of the players

    Wasserstein stability of porous medium-type equations on manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded below

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    Given a complete, connected Riemannian manifold Mn \mathbb{M}^n with Ricci curvature bounded from below, we discuss the stability of the solutions of a porous medium-type equation with respect to the 2-Wasserstein distance. We produce (sharp) stability estimates under negative curvature bounds, which to some extent generalize well-known results by Sturm and Otto-Westdickenberg. The strategy of the proof mainly relies on a quantitative L1−L∞L^1-L^\infty smoothing property of the equation considered, combined with the Hamiltonian approach developed by Ambrosio, Mondino and Savar\'e in a metric-measure setting

    Lagrangian, Eulerian and Kantorovich formulations of multi-agent optimal control problems: equivalence and Gamma-convergence

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    This paper is devoted to the study of multi-agent deterministic optimal control problems. We initially provide a thorough analysis of the Lagrangian, Eulerian and Kantorovich formulations of the problems, as well as of their relaxations. Then we exhibit some equivalence results among the various representations and compare the respective value functions. To do it, we combine techniques and ideas from optimal transportation, control theory, Young measures and evolution equations in Banach spaces. We further exploit the connections among Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions to derive consistency results as the number of particles/agents tends to infinity. To that purpose we prove an empirical version of the Superposition Principle and obtain suitable Gamma-convergence results for the controlled systems

    Large deviations for Kac-like walks

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    We introduce a Kac's type walk whose rate of binary collisions preserves the total momentum but not the kinetic energy. In the limit of large number of particles we describe the dynamics in terms of empirical measure and flow, proving the corresponding large deviation principle. The associated rate function has an explicit expression. As a byproduct of this analysis, we provide a gradient flow formulation of the Boltzmann-Kac equation